
About Me

The offical blog of South East Wilson, so tag along kiddies. Expect the best and don't settle for less. Feel free to download the free music and come back and get more!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Been a Minute

The albums complete...ehhhh.... maybe not entirely but for the most part. I'm trying to decide if one song makes it on the album or if I just let it be what it is. In either case many things have changed since I last blogged.

I'm pretty much not liking me NOT being on the blog thing like I should be,.... one man can do everything.

In either way, some people relate to giving your all to something and knowing you set your expectations so high for yourself you start to second quess what you have given your all to. We live, we grow, we get better!

So, when is your best? Who knows and who cares? Life is bigger than our wanting to say I did it the best. I just wanna know that when I did it...people who hear it know that I gave my all.